Tuesday, March 03, 2015

cold gravy - bay area skateboarding!


the gravy skateboarding crew comes threw with episode #33 of cold gravy! an 8-bit tnstant classic!

skaters: tony potenti, kobe morris, jason ross, jose cuevas and natty hunt.

filmed and edited by daniel miranda.



after a month or so, the gravy skateboarding crew returns with a heavy serving of cold gravy, #34! the clips in here didn't make it in to the cauldron that is heating up hot gravy as we speak, the crews new full length video coming soon!

filmed and edited by daniel miranda.
metro skateboarding.



the gravy skateboarding crew is back with the 35th episode of cold gravy! enjoy watching these champions kill it!

skaters: tony potenti, jose cuevas, jose navarro, noses salazar, jason ross, brandon aka b-lo and joe sudduth.

filmed and edited by daniel miranda.

additional joe sudduth clips by bob hanshaw.
metro skateboarding.



“don't forget your mashed potatoes!”.

the gravy skateboarding crew drops another heavy serving of cold gravy, #36!!!

skaters: tony potenti, moses salazar, jerome neal, jose cuevas, johnny banuelous, joe sudduth, james ryan, jason ross, dre lara and tre lemmons.

filmed by bob hansaw and daniel miranda.

edited by daniel miranda.

additional clip by justin sarinana.
metro skateboarding.

gravy skateboarding ©
check out gravy skateboarding.
