Sunday, May 30, 2010

the iasc can sod off...

ironxhanger ©art: pinkviolence

but lets go skate anyway! this june, on da twenty first, let's make it a date! where? anywhere and everywhere! on the streets or in the parks. spread da word, yo!


p.s. if anyone wanna use that image above as a poster, just go ahead and do it! thanks!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

best kept secrets...

okay, well, maybe not. but anyways, i'm sorry to all my readers out there in the world wide web for not having been updating ironxhanger as much. i've been very busy being preoccupied, day in and out with my obligations and other shit that has been going on lately. i've also been too damn tired to update, even when i want to most times. further more, there's not much news to update in here, that you can't already find else where on the internet.

anyway, below are two free main resource sites (if you don't already know, that is) where you can watch skateboarding videos online and also check out and read some skateboarding web 'zines too, if you have time to kill that is. ha!

skate videos online ©click on the image above to visit the best, one stop for all, if not, most, skateboarding videos online.

issuu ©click on the image above to visit tons of skateboarding web 'zines online.

check 'em out, yo!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

double rock: dave bachinsky.

bachinsky, biggie, and an nbd—all within the comfy confines of double rock, usa. somebody get this guy some new shoes!

- thrasher magazine.

sambai video by preduce, yo! chekkit!

preduce skateboards©click on the image above to view preduce's full length video entitled "sambai".

excellent stuff! check out the movie, yo!

preduce skateboards ©
check out preduce skateboards.


Monday, May 17, 2010

go skateboarding day.

shapeabyss ©
click on the image above to enlarge.
art: shapeabyss

shapeabyss x go skate boarding day. rights go to go skate boarding day.

screw the iasc but let's go skate anyway!


Sunday, May 09, 2010

never forget.

nhs ©

timothy "tim" michael brauch (april 26, 1974 – may 9, 1999) was an american professional skateboarder who grew up in san jose, california. brauch came up in skateboarding during the late 1980s and early 1990s, a period of skateboarding when professionalism meant small paychecks and little fame outside skateboarding, but lots of travel, experiences, and good times with friends and like-minded skaters.

tim brauch memorial fund ©


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

poor mans' skate tool pack.

i'm sick of all these big ass bulky skate tools for trucks that i see in the local and/or online skate shops. also, the pocket sized ones (i shan't name any companies), are ridiculously priced. further more, some specific hardware tools from specific truck companies are made just for the trucks they manufacture and most don't fit other brands of trucks.

below are some loose (not built in nor all in one) hardware tools that i have been using for years for the trucks that i rock. i enclose all of 'em in a recycled polyvinyl zip lock bag and it fits well at the back pocket of my pants.

ironxhanger ©from left to right: a 1/2 (for axle nuts) & 9/16 (for kingpin nuts) double open-end wrench/spanner, a 10 & 11 (for hardware nuts) double open-end wrench/spanner, a small offset ratchet phillips screwdriver (for philiips screw hardware), a hex key a.k.a. allen wrench (for allen screw hardware) and a carabiner with a swiss army knife & an led torch (in case of emergency).

ironxhanger ©fits well at the back pocket of my pants.

click on the images above to enlarge.
photos: pinkviolence

all of the tools above, cost less than 20 bucks and are mostly available at daiso, for those who live in singapura. where can you find a tool that has a knife (cheap replica swiss army knives and alternative miniature knives are easily available too!) to cut your grip tape and one with an led torch? if there is one out there, i'd like to have one for myself. compact or pocket sized that is.
