boston has been on fire in the last week or so. check this promo from a new brand from the bean; the cornerstore skate co. this edit is loaded with some of boston's finest and all great homies of everyone at brickharbor - it's been getting us hyped to skate since it premiered on friday night.
the official promo launching cornerstore skateboards in 2013. cornerstore is a skater owned brand in boston, ma. we represent skating for the love.
featuring jimmy lake, frankie nash, matt lane, james nickerson, kevin coughlin, corey goonan, richard stickney, brian delaney, eric martinac, pedro deoliveira, serges murphy, fred hein, eric dasaro, ariel perl, cody hale, sean brooks, brian reid, andrew whittier, dana ericson, dillon buss, colin wissmar, shawn macmillan, nick rudzinski and many more!